The Body Scan: All Parts Are Welcome

through each step very slowly, pausing to really feel into each of your body parts)

Getting Started:

Lay down in a comfortable position where you will not be interrupted for at least 20 minutes. You can do this exercise sitting up, too. Once in a comfortable position, ask yourself if you can make yourself 10 percent more comfortable and shift your body until you are the most comfortable you can be. Try to separate your limbs by keeping your legs spread apart and your arms and hands out to the side with palms up. Try not to move for at least 20 minutes. Take some nice deep breaths until you feel your body beginning to relax and settle down.

Setting your deep desire or saying your prayers

Set your  deep resolve. For example, right now I am safe.  I am at peace. I am brave and can accept what is here. Your resolve or deep desire isn’t coming so much from an intellectual place as much as a deep place in your heart. One of the intentions of your deep resolve is to change your direction of thinking on a daily basis and change your perceptions, your personality, and make your life more balanced and peaceful.


Once you are settled and relaxed  bring your awareness down to your feet. Feel your feet. Notice the way your feet make contact with the floor. Your shoes and socks covering your feet. What do they feel like touching your skin?  Bringing your awareness to the top of your feet, the bottom of your feet, the sides of your feet. Bring your awareness to your big toes, your baby toes. Notice heat, pressure. Any sensations you may feel in your body.


Notice your ankles. The front and back of your ankles. The inside and outside of your ankles.


Up through your calves. Get a sense of your calves three dimensionally. Sense your whole calf. Not just the front of your calf or just the back of your calf.


Bring your awareness to your knees.


Bring your awareness to your thighs. The front of your thighs. The back of your thighs, the inside and outside of your thighs. Bring your awareness up your thighs and notice the connection of your legs into your pelvis.


Notice the weight of your pelvis as it makes contact with the floor, bed or mat.


A lot of things are happening in your torso. Digestion, elimination, breathing, your heart lives in your torso….. a little left of your sternum in your chest. What do you notice? Can you feel your torso spreading out as you breathe in and then shrinking back as you breathe out? Can you notice anything about your heart? If not, that’s ok. There is no expectations. If you find yourself getting confused by any of this just lay there and breathe in and out and let everything else go.  You might repeat “ Soothing my body, I breathe in, soothing my body I breathe out.”


Bring your attention to your shoulders, your upper arms, your forearms, your wrist and your hands. Drop your shoulders and allow that softness to move through your arms and into your hands,


Notice the skin around your neck


Your face…can you sense the air moving in and out of your nostrils. Can you notice the air that is coming into your nose is cooler than the air coming back out? Notice your eyes and your eye lids that are closed. Your mouth and taste inside your mouth. What happens if you allow a slight smile at the corners of your lips. Allow that smile up into your cheeks and into the corners of your eyes. Smooth the brow smoother and smoother with each breath in and each breath out.


Notice your scalp and your hair.


Notice as much as you can about your whole body and the sense of what it feels like to be in your whole body. Laying there not segmented out but a whole body. Lay there or sitting and enjoying the stillness. If you can notice how the stillness supports you and surrounds you. When you are ready slowly begin moving your fingers and toes and when you are ready slowly open your eyes. Good Job!!!

It takes courage to live in our bodies and to listen to our hearts in a still and quiet way. Take your practice slow and this month just practice your body scan anytime you are feeling stressed or before you go to bed. Let me know what you notice and what is changing in your life as you begin to integrate relaxation exercises into your life. Peace, Holly.

 Please contact our clinic at 618.239.6400 to schedule a massage. If you need any further information or have questions please do not hesitate to call.













CaLL Now - (618) 239-6400